Wandering into the depths of a forest to get sprayed with gravel by passing rally cars may be something of an acquired taste but to rally fans it’s something to be enjoyed. The smell of hot oil and unburnt fuel wafting along on a fresh breeze mixed with the scent of pine trees. The bangs, pops and howls of tortured engines bouncing off the trees and reverberating all around you. It should be experienced and savoured by every petrolhead.

It’s worth trekking through forests for sites like this
The trouble is that standing in the middle of a forest leaves you with one particular problem. You’re miles away from the nearest burger van so what do you do when the inevitable hunger pangs start? Leave your vantage spot and miss the action? Bulk up with bacon sarnies before you go and hope you can stay the course? Or pack some snacks along with the obligatory flask of tea/coffee/soup/whisky (delete as appropriate)?
Taking food with you presents its own problems. You don’t want to weigh yourself down with an enormous feast. You don’t want anything that can get too messy and the use of cutlery is a complete no-no. In short, it needs to be compact and easy to eat.
Ahead of the 2014 season Volkswagen think they’ve come up with the perfect solution for the grumbling bellies of hungry rally fans – the Volkswagen currywurst.
As you can see in the video below, it’s been seriously tested to make sure that this new fan food is exactly what we need – nutritious, easy to handle and effective in rallying’s varied conditions.
They’re also giving one lucky Volkswagen fan the chance to go and test the new recipe at the opening round of the 2014 WRC season on the 17th January. Can the new Volkswagen currywurst stand up to the rigours of the freezing, mountainous terrain around Monte Carlo?